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Meet The Orgs

Explore the many organizations that came together for Earth Day 2023!

* Participation in Earth Day does not constitute participation in or endorsement of any of the following events.

  • Climate & Environment
    Fridays for Future US is a national youth-led network of organizers fighting for climate justice. IG: @fridaysforfutureusa TW: @FFFUnitedStates Web: We are a movement of young people from Rockville, MD fighting for a #GreenNewDeal and an end to climate change! IG: @sunrise_rockville TW: @SunriseRVMD Web: Arm In Arm is a place where our community comes together to make sure we all have the most basic needs of food and shelter and, as possible, the livelihood to maintain them. We believe that it takes our whole community to ensure that everyone thrives. And we believe that when everyone is thriving, we all benefit. IG: @arminarm4climate TW: @ArmInArmClimate Web: To save the planet, we need more than one solution. Inspired by Gene Sharp's classic non-violent movement text and updated for the modern era, we're a force for powerful, digitally supported, direct action to save the climate. We're currently working on DC mobilizations (like this one!) to pressure the Biden Administration and agency leaders to stop approving fossil fuel infrastructure, a national campaign targeting the financiers of climate chaos, and solidarity with labor allies (especially Starbucks workers) to IG: @198methods Web: Since 1970, Earth Day has been a catalyst for ongoing education, action, and change.  Our mission is to carry the enthusiasm and spirit of Earth Day into the 21st Century to meet today's environmental challenges. Earth Day Initiative aims to bring the spirit of the first Earth Day, when ten percent of the entire population of the country turned out to call for environmental action, into the 21st Century. Our programs include annual large-scale Earth Day activations calling for climate action and environmental protection and the PARTS PER MILLION podcast on being a climate communicator. IG: @earthdayinitiative TW: @EarthDayOrg Web: EARTHDAY.ORG’s mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Growing out of the first Earth Day in 1970, EARTHDAY.ORG is the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 150,000 partners in over 192 countries to drive positive action for our planet. IG: @earthdaynetwork TW: @earthday Web: The Climate Reality Project is a non-profit organization involved in education and advocacy related to climate change. IG: @climaterealitydc TW: @ClimateReality Web: Extinction Rebellion is a decentralized, international, and politically non-partisan movement using non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the climate and ecological emergency. Extinction Rebellion D.C. (XRDC) is the first U.S. chapter, founded in November 2018. Extinction Rebellion D.C. is currently campaigning to stop Washington Gas’s dangerous plan to pour billions into more gas infrastructure in D.C. and trap the city into planet-heating fossil fuel pollution for decades to come. IG: @extinctionrebelliondc TW: @xr_dc_ Web: Beyond Extreme Energy is an activist network that came together in the summer of 2014 to organize a successful, week-long nonviolent direct action campaign focused on FERC, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. We continue to take action to raise public awareness of FERC and other disastrous impacts of fossil fuel extraction, infrastructure, and finance. TW:@BXEAction Web: At the Center for Biological Diversity, we wage innovative legal and grassroots campaigns to protect people, wildlife, and ecosystems from climate change and the dangerous fossil fuel industry. Climate change is the single greatest threat we've ever faced — not only to humanity but to Earth's web of life — and fossil fuels are the leading driver. Bringing together scientific, legal, media, and organizing tools on behalf of biodiversity and climate, we're demanding an end to the era of fossil fuels through executive action. That includes stopping government approvals for new fossil fuel projects, phasing out existing drilling on public lands and waters, and declaring a national climate emergency to build out a just, clean energy system. IG: @centerforbiodiv TW: @CenterForBioDiv Web: The Sierra Club's mission is to explore, enjoy, and protect the planet. The power of the Sierra Club is in our members, supporters, staff, and volunteers in communities all over the country. Together, we are taking action to advance climate solutions, be in solidarity with allies in the fight for justice, restore the promise of our democracy and protect our lands, water, air, and wildlife. IG: @sierraclub TW: @sierraclub Web: Since 1988, Earthworks has helped communities secure protections of their health, land, water, and air from extractive industries. We are the only national organization in the U.S. to focus exclusively on preventing the destructive impacts of the extraction of oil, gas, and minerals. IG: @earthworksaction TW: @earthworks Web: Sunrise DC dreams of and organizes for a future where all people are truly safe and free. We are a joyful collective of young people, unified by our struggle against the climate crisis and committed to the long-term work to abolish systems of oppression. Together with local partners, we take direct action, build up our community, grow our political power, and practice mutual aid. IG: @sunrisemvmtdc TW: @SunriseMvmtDC Web: Zero Hour is a youth-led movement creating entry points, training, and resources for new young activists and organizers (and adults who support our vision) wanting to take concrete action around climate change. Together, we are a movement of unstoppable youth organizing to protect our rights and access to the natural resources and a clean, safe, and healthy environment that will ensure a livable future where we not just survive, but flourish. IG: @thisiszerohour TW: @ThisIsZeroHour Web: Fossil Free Research is a new campaign to end the toxic influence of fossil fuel money on climate change-related research in universities. It is coordinated by international student divestment and climate justice activists with the support of a wide range of academics, climate experts, and university members. Oil Change International (OCI) is a research, communications, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating the ongoing transition to clean energy. Rooted in community solidarity and principled policy analysis, we work within larger movements to build a fossil free future. IG: @priceofoil TW: @PriceofOil Web: With more than 2 million supporters, Food & Water Watch fights for safe food, clean water, and a livable climate for all of us. We protect people from the corporations and other destructive economic interests that put profit ahead of everything else. IG: @foodandwaterwatch TW: @foodandwater Web: 350MoCo’s mission is to grow a grassroots movement to respond to the climate crisis by building a just, sustainable, equitable community in Montgomery County, Maryland and beyond, based on a zero-carbon economy and a society that centers climate action and climate justice in all its decisions. IG: @350moco TW: @350MoCo Web: Greenpeace is fighting the expansion of LNG export terminals and import terminals all over the world. At Greenpeace USA, we are focused on stopping this expansion in the Gulf. This expansion would generate megatonnes of new carbon emissions and make it impossible to stabilize our climate. IG: @greenpeace TW: @greenpeace Web: The Rachel Carson Council is an environmental nonprofit that works to address environmental justice and climate change issues using a mix of education, organizing and policy development. RCC has a network of university fellows across the United States that use these tools to carry out environmental projects on their campuses and in their communities. Recently, RCC's main campaigns against the fossil fuel industry have been opposing offshore drilling and supporting our university divestment fellows.-- IG: @rachelcarsondc TW: @RachelCarsonDC Web:
  • Democracy
    ShutDownDC uses strategic direct action to advance justice and hold officials accountable. We’re a growing movement working together and showing up for each other to preserve the pillars of democracy and fight for a better future. We originally came together as a formation of dozens of groups and hundreds of independent activists during the youth climate strikes of 2019. IG: @shutdowndc_ TW: @ShutDown_DC Web: WE ARE CLIMATE HAWKS. We believe climate change is a fundamental threat to the lives and livelihood of every human and future generations here in the United States and across the globe. We believe that bold action by public officials — at all levels of government — is essential to addressing the threat posed by climate change. But too many Democratic politicians consider climate to be just another issue bubbling below the surface of top priorities, and too many advocates are willing to excuse Democratic politicians who tout their states’ coal and oil resources. We need aggressive, progressive champions of climate justice—climate hawks. And so we work to identify, train, elect, and support climate hawks and their policies and political advocacy. We're currently supporting candidates and ballot initiatives in California, Arizona, Texas, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Virginia, and always looking for new candidates, policies, and campaigns to support - like Earth Day DC! TW: @ClimateHawkVote Web: CPD is a high-impact national organization that builds organizing power to transform the local and state policy landscape through deep, long-term partnerships with leading community-based organizing groups nationwide. IG: @popdemoc TW: @popdemoc Web: Third Act Virginia (with TA-MD and TA-DC) are area elders defending our climate and democracy. Founded a year ago by Bill McKibben, we held a Rocking Chair Rebellion day of action on 3.21.23 against the dirtiest big banks demanding divestment. We ally with others (especially youth!) whenever possible, acknowledging that it is through community that we are strongest. We want a livable future for next generations. IG: @thirdactva TW: @ThirdActVa Web: The aim of the Institute for Policy Studies Climate Policy Program is to support the transition from a financially extractive, fossil fueled economy to equitable, democratic and local living economies. We organize our work around the premise that to solve the climate crisis, we must confront systemic economic, social and racial inequality, both in the U.S. and worldwide. We provide long-term vision and bold ideas in domestic and international policy spaces, using research, writing and strategic conversations to redefine what is politically possible. IG: @ips_dc TW: @IPS_DC Web:
  • Education, health and economic equity
    Spaces In Action SIA supports increasingly early childhood learning, health equity and economic justice for Black and Brown communities in the metro Washington, DC region. We bring families and partner organizations to the table on how to affect react change in our communities. We believe in cultivating relationships, and building a collective vision in our efforts to address inequities in our communities. IG: @spacesinaction TW: @SPACEsInAction Web: Oxfam is a global organization that fights inequality to end poverty and injustice. We offer lifesaving support in times of crisis and advocate for economic justice, gender equality, and climate action. We demand equal rights and equal treatment so that everyone can thrive, not just survive. The future is equal. IG: @oxfamamerica TW: @oxfamamerica Web: RootsAction is dedicated to galvanizing people who are committed to economic fairness, equal rights for all, civil liberties, environmental protection -- and defunding endless wars. We mobilize on these issues no matter whether Democrats or Republicans control Washington D.C. TW: @Roots_Action Web: Remake is a global advocacy organization fighting for fair pay and climate justice in the clothing industry. Today, 100 billion units of clothes are made annually for less than 8 billion people on the planet. Remake's Theory of Change is that paying living wages reduces the human and environmental harms with which our clothes are made. Higher wages would shift the industry’s focus from producing cheap and disposable products and reduce carbon emissions. At the fair, we have a variety of ways participants can engage with us. If you're new to these topics, we will be discussing the fashion industry's impact on both the climate and the planet's waste streams. If you're interested in policy and advocating for change, interested individuals can learn about the FABRIC Act and contact their representatives for endorsement. If you're interested in making the clothes in your closet last longer, we will have mending demonstrations and an opportunity for an item in your closet to be upcycled by one of our ambassadors! Web: GreenUR advocates for climate and environmental justice at the University of Richmond and the wider Richmond community. We are currently targeting the University of Richmond's $3.2Bn endowment: calling on the university administration to divest any holdings in fossil fuels and reinvest in the Richmond region, BIPOC, and clean energy. We are also fighting to prevent the installation of new fossil gas infrastructure on our campus. Sign our divestment petition. IG: @green.ur
  • Faith
    Join Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions (FACS) on Earth Day for an evening of music and climate activism! Enjoy a concert with acts performed by Melting Virgo, Musical Scalpel, and Josh Long. Come celebrate the Earth with fellow activists and feel ignited to work towards climate solutions this spring. Please support FACS and the musicians with a recommended donation of $20. Doors open at 5:30pm at Rock Spring United Church of Christ on Saturday, April 22nd. The concert will begin at 6pm. All are welcome to attend. Register here for a wonderful evening of music and honoring the Earth! IG: @faithforclimate TW: @FaithforClimate Web:
  • Law
    IG: @ciel_org TW: @ciel_tweets Web: EarthRights International combines the power of law and the power of people to fight for human rights and environmental justice. We take legal action against corporations, governments, and other perpetrators of human rights abuses, train frontline defenders, and work directly with communities to protect their rights and homes. We have offices in Thailand, Peru, and the United States. In 2023 EarthRights is: Supporting the U'wa people of Northern Colombia, as they take the Colombian State to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for extracting natural resources from their lands, among other violations. This will be the first time the Colombian state will be forced to respond before an international tribunal. Supporting the advocacy efforts of Indigenous communities in the United States, who face displacement and other devastating consequences of the climate crisis. Continuing our 16+ year case against Chiquita Bananas for funding human rights abuses against farmers, trade unionists, and others in Colombia's banana-growing region in the 90s and early 2000s. Training young human rights and environmental defenders from the Mekong region to defend their land and communities from extractive projects at the EarthRights School Join us by signing up for our email list here: Take action with us and sign our petition to support the Global Voices of Freedom Act, legislation that would extend protections to defenders globally: DONATE to support our important work here: IG: @earthrightsintl TW: @EarthRightsIntl Web:
  • Music, Art and Storytelling
    SongRise encourages perseverance, raises awareness, breaks down barriers, touches hearts and inspires action through song. Inspired by the rich tapestry of voices raised for change, the founders of SongRise gathered their colleagues and friends to sing for social justice. IG: @songrisedc TW: @SongRiseDC Web: Crushing Colonialism's mission is to uplift the stories of Indigenous people through multi-media work and traditional storytelling and supporting those doing the work. As the climate crisis disproportionately impacts Indigenous people both in the so-called US and globally, we believe in the complete rematriation of our lands and full tribal sovereignty in order to restore the balance between humans and the natural environment which has been harmed by colonialism. We work closely with Indigenous storytellers across lands to share their work on decolonization and environmental justice. Follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube) Sign up for our newsletter Donate to support our work
  • Peace & Security
    CODEPINK is a feminist grassroots organization working to end U.S. warfare and imperialism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect resources into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs. IG: @codepinkalert TW: @codepink Web:

Earth Day 2023. 

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